Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things I could use a little more of...

Rumble Pits
My Buddy, Chuck Henshaw
Side Street Cafe and their Clam Chowda
Beastie Boys
Family Time
Fire Pits
My Oldest
My Youngest
Mi Wife
More Family


Friday, January 24, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014


All you have to do is #getonthebus and come to Cranx Bike Park with us Feb 16th!  Bus leaves the shop at 6am! Cost is $80.  Buy doing so, you will automatically be entered in the raffle for free parts! No lame free parts either. Odyssey bars, Demolition stem, ODI grips, GForm phone case!!  Winners will have to show that they can SHRED and  be a GOOD person, all day long.
Ill even buy everyone Pizza for Lunch!
Only 22 days left, so please get your seat on the bus soon. If we dont get at least 40, it wont happen...

Friday, January 17, 2014


Merritt sprocket and Bars in stock.  Animal BPEs in stock

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Big Bikes

Our trip to Cranx is going to be sooo good! And Im sure you knew this, but in case you didnt, Cranx welcomes all sizes of bikes.  From 16" to 20, to 24 and 26... Whatever you have, bring it! We will make sure it fits on the bus! Call the shop for details. Cost is $80 which includes Motorcoach bus ride there and back, plus a full day at Cranx! #getonthebus :D

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Time to go to Cranx! We have set a date for Sunday, Feb 16th. Cost is $80.
Helmets required.
Waiver needs to be downloaded and signed and stamped by a Public Notary, just like RYE. If you are 18 and over, just bring ID saying so. 
Because its ONLY bikes, your bike must be somewhat taken apart so we can be assured that they all fit on the bus.  Pedals off, handlebars off and strapped to the frame, front wheel off... I know its a pain in the ass, but its the ONLY way to get 55 bikes on a bus!
I think you can buy food there.
Bring a pillow for the bus.
This will NOT be an overnighter.  Bus will leave the shop at 6am and be back by 9pm.
More to follow...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Think dirt

     I know its ass-freezin cold out there.  Try to enjoy it... Go sledding or something. Build a huge roller, to berm, to jump, out of snow.  Build a 20 foot long shark in your front yard. Snowpiles from  plowing the driveway make for a perfect "block" to carve something out of... Just dont tell your Dad why his handsaw is all rusty and dull from carving things in the snow with it.   Its up to 20 today and warmer the next few days.  Basically, quit your bitchin and go DO something.
     And if that doesnt work, think about what you might want to build out of dirt, and start planning for Spring.  If you are lucky enough to have family with land and they let you build on it.. awesome. But if you cant build it on your own land or a friends land, just make sure its "O.K."  with where-ever you do decide to build.  On the edge of a field, in town, with "No Tresspassing" signs everywhere, in view from the road... Not a good spot.  Deep in the woods, no houses or "signs" anywhere, out of town, good soil...  Good spot.     It should be somewhat Difficult to get to your spot.  You dont want people to really see a bunch of kids walking in and out of the woods with shovels, bikes, wheelbarrows and such.  If everything was easy, everyone would be doing it.
     I have to go do my wednesday chores now.  You know, the dump, pick up the kids from school...
Here is a shot from September 2010. I think we need to bring that "volcano thing" back, Mr Gaspar. Just a thought.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Full Circle Christmas Party

We had a small party before Christmas.  It was kind of last minute, but still went off with a bang. A few ugly sweaters showed up, a great $5 gift exchange, homemade lasagna, crab dip, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and even a Portuguese Santa showed up.  Thanks guys, I appreciate you all.

2014 Subrosa Salvador

We have the 2014 Subrosa Salvadors in stock. Either All black with green or All green with silver.  Great entry level bike for the money!

The Supporters & Followers